Unemployed FAITH !

I am sure everyone of us has somewhere in our lives have come to cross roads, a place of “in between” where something good has ended and the the future is unknown and you don’t know what to do, which way to head. Often during the “in between” period , dark clouds filled with doubt, confusion and worry often tend to hang over your head.

We faced a similar situation few weeks ago, when out of the blue a my husband’s company announced that they will be going  through a restructure and as a result my husband’s contract would be ending end of Sep 2014. From the time the announcement came, we were in a frozen mode. Anyway  my husband started applying for other jobs, after many  job applications and NO interview calls, and 3 weeks more to go til end of September, the future looked quite scary. We had a mortgage to pay, school fees, childcare fees and bills to take care of.

How do you have freedom in the middle of fear ?

How do you stay in worship position during the battle time ?

We were doing a series called 40 days in the word -Rick Warren through our “cell group” though everyday we were filled with fear we would speak positive words ( i.e scriptural words) over our life.


We wrote the following words on a piece of paper and claim it every day during our prayer time even when there were no interview calls.

Mathew 6:32 Look at the birds of the air,they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet our heavenly father feeds them. We are much more valuable than they are ! ( personalized to our situation as per the 40 days in the word teaching)

Mathew 7:7 Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find and knock and the door will be opened to you

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future

Some days I could see so much fear in my husband’s face however he and I chose to release faith into the atmosphere despite the fear! We decided not ever speak words of negativity or fear no matter what.

My husband would say  that god doesn’t need 3 weeks or 3 months to come through. He would continue to say even on the 30th September God can take 3 secs to come through for us coz Jesus never fails and he is never late !

Last Sunday we were at church and we were introduced to another church member who happened to be a manager at a reputed IT company ( but we didnt know that) . The converation was cashual  and lasted only a few sec, but the following day my husband was called for an interview by this person , and two days later he was offered a job.

It was an amazing feeling . After my husband was offered the  job by this reputed company , 3 other interviews materialized and my husband got 2 more job offers. Everything happened so quickly we were overwhelmed by God’s provision.

When we prayed about it we understood that

  • First of all just as we declared that few sec’s were enough for god, the meeting with this man of god  was literally few secs but god put something in his heart to offer a job to my husabnd.
  • When god gives something it is always supernatural. (that’s why the bible says lean not to your understanding)

We stayed in prayer and God gave us the the following word:

Judges chap 18: 5-6 “Please inquire of god to learn whether our journey will be successful and the priest answered them “Go in peace your journey has the lords approval”

In comparison with the  2nd and 3rd job offer, the 1st job that was orchestrated by god had the lowest remuneration, and in comparison the other jobs were more in my husband’s comfort zone than the 1st job. However We decided to stay in obedience to what god has asked us to do and accept the first job.

Why you may ask….. When you obey, and do something in faith there is freedom… you don’t carry the responsibility but god carries the responsibility. You dont have to rely on your past record of success and your knowledge, God pours that into you to take you from glory to glory.

Joseph’s place of “in between” was in the prison, then you know what he became to be ? Danielle’s’ place of ” in between” was the lion’s den, and then he prospered during his last days.

But it is in the place of “In between” , god speaks to you…. and when you speak god… you see breakthrough’s that cannot be even comprehended. breakthroughs in split sec’s. breakthrough where there is more than enough.

The only place you can find real peace… is in the middle of anxiety. why ??? because thats where you feel god’s peace and not the peace that the world gives. The only place where you can feel gods pulse on you is when you know that you dont control anything, but god controls your destiny and you rest in the boat when there is a storm.

you may think…. how can one do this ? of course in the natural it is not possible. Some say they  have tried everything…. but HAVE YOU ??? if you have tried everything… why not try this …. coz this surely works no matter what the situation is.

Rather than reading god….. speak god ….into your situation.

when you speak god…. and you release faith into the atmosphere despite what you feel…. the faith will shatter every darkness.

when you speak faith, you have freedom in the middle of fear.

God doesn’t need allot of time… he is always on TIME !!!

I pray for each and every one of you who are seeking for jobs, that god will bless you with a good job in his time.

Have faith and speak god….. and you will see the breakthrough in your life !